Gears For Careers

Reset your ambitions

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Ambitions always run the risk of getting swallowed up in the busyness one tends to get into. I would like to challenge you today to take some time to dust off and reset your ambitions and choose to be aspirational. Here are some steps to get you going;

Define your mission and go big: Ambitions must be guided by a mission. To discover this, ask yourself questions such as what do you care about, what can’t you shut your mind to, what do you wish you could do more of? What are you concerned about that you can make your cause and improve? Remember, your job is only a part of your career, so your mission does not have to be your job.

Re-embrace your values: Your values are the essence of who you are and your character. They guide your life and shouldn’t be compromised. Dusting up your values gives you a compass for your life, your decisions, what you pursue, what you tolerate and makes you more aware of what’s going on around you. Only you know, can and must defend the values that are important to you. Focus on that and enforce boundaries around your values.

Decipher the biggest predictor of success: There are certain abilities and competencies that are important to achieving most things, including relevant skills such as communication, leadership, and perseverance. In addition, it’s important that you decide what will be the critical factor for succeeding in your chosen mission and its accompanying goals. Without identifying these upfront, you’ll be setting yourself up for failure or at best a long winded path to accomplishing what you want.

Activate the ambitions: Once you are clear on the ambition, write it down and start taking action. Don’t be satisfied with just getting by or allow other things to overtake it. Make sure the ambitions are fit for your professional and personal strengths so that you have the capacity to achieve it.

Now take action: Make an action plan to activate your ambitions.

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